Medicare & Portable 

Oxygen Concentrators

Start living your life again

Will Medicare Help Pay For A 

Portable Oxygen Concentrator?

Customers often come to us here at Portable Oxygen Solutions and ask us the following question… Will Medicare pay for a portable oxygen concentrator? Ah yes, a very good question indeed and an important one, too, for anyone looking to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator. Because we get asked this question so much, today we decided to try explaining to you why it is highly unlikely or difficult, at best, to get a portable oxygen concentrator through Medicare or any other insurance funding channel. If you have found our company and reading this article, then chances are, you have probably already discovered how difficult it is to find a Medicare oxygen equipment company that carries portable oxygen concentrators, much less, the model best suited for you and your lifestyle. You may be frustrated from being told “NO”.

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Will Medicare help pay for a portable oxygen concentrator? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t a simple yes or no. However, it is unlikely these days. Medicare has always considered oxygen equipment to be a rental item. However, in recent years, that rental fee amount has continued to be reduced. In fact, back in the summer of 2013, Medicare reduced the rental payment for portable oxygen concentrators by almost 50%. Due to this recent Medicare reduction in payment is why we hear so many of our customersthe say their local respiratory equipment supplier told them Medicare does not cover portable oxygen concentrators (POC). The truth is these respiratory suppliers can’t afford to provide you a portable oxygen concentrator when they can get by setting you up with less expensive oxygen tanks costing a few hundred dollars. If you qualify, Medicare and other insurances do have the new reduced rental fee for Portable Oxygen Concentrators, which means they can pay a certain amount to the equipment companies for this technology. However, the respiratory equipment suppliers are not convinced Medicare pays enough for them to see a return on their investment and they are not required by Medicare to give you a portable oxygen concentrator. They are only required to supply equipment that maintains your oxygen needs. As a result, most Medicare oxygen equipment providers do not deal in portable oxygen concentrators anymore. This is why you get the heavy oxygen tanks!

Understanding How Medicare Pays
Whether you have a home oxygen concentrator, liquid oxygen, tanks, or a portable oxygen concentrator, all of this equipment is considered a rental item in the eyes of Medicare and the equipment company. Medicare does NOT purchase oxygen equipment. An equipment company provides the oxygen equipment to you, then they bill Medicare a monthly fixed rental fee. Oxygen equipment is limited to a 36-month rental period. Due to the reimbursement guidelines, respiratory suppliers who bill Medicare tend to be cautious and very selective with what types of oxygen equipment they provide to you. Once you qualify for supplemental oxygen, Medicare will begin paying the respiratory supplier the monthly rental fee for 36 months (3 years), and then just a small “service fee” for the following 24 months. Medicare oxygen equipment suppliers that provide oxygen to you are required to maintain the equipment for a total of 60 months (5 years).

Given these circumstances, the medical equipment companies will first consider how long you have been on oxygen to determine how many months are left within your 36 month rental period. They are not likely to supply a portable oxygen concentrator to you if you are not at the beginning of your 36 month rental period, especially if you are wanting to move from another equipment company. As an example, if you have been on oxygen for 12 months and you want to move to another respiratory equipment company in hopes of getting a portable oxygen concentrator, the new company would only receive 24 months of rental payments from Medicare before moving into the “maintenance fee only” months. So there is less financial incentive to accept you as a new oxygen patient and provide you with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator. Why?…Because these companies feel as though the cost of the Portable Oxygen Concentrator exceeds the amount Medicare will reimburse the equipment company. This is why most of the oxygen equipment companies are choosing to NOT carry portable oxygen concentrators. They simply feel as though they will not see a return on their investment.

There is a BETTER WAY! Portable Oxygen Solutions has chosen not to bill Medicare or Private Insurance so we do not have these financial restrictions.

If you’re having difficulty getting a portable concentrator from your local oxygen company, give us a call, today. We will take the time to discuss your options and do our best to educate you on the best way for you to obtain a POC. If you’re tired of getting the runaround from your local oxygen company and would prefer a Portable Oxygen Concentrator, you have the freedom to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator today!!

Now, more and more oxygen patients, like you, are taking charge of their own lives and taking control of their own healthcare! How?…By purchasing the equipment that improves their quality of life. The benefits of portable oxygen concentrators are far greater than the cost of the machines. There is a world of possibilities with portable oxygen concentrators that are as active as you are. Don’t let your oxygen prescription change your life! Stop feeling confined to your home. A portable oxygen concentrator will allow you to continue to work, travel, play sports, participate in hobbies, socialize and maintain your independent lifestyle while finding it easier to comply with your oxygen therapy.

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We work with only the most trusted manufacturers and carry only oxygen machines that are known to perform well. Our lineup features top brands for our customers, including but not limited to Rhythm Healthcare, Belluscura, Inogen, O2 Concepts, and Caire.


8000 Corporate Center Drive
Suite 113
Charlotte, NC 28226

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8:00am - 5:00pm EST

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