COPD And The Holidays: Tips To Stay Healthy

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COPD And The Holidays: Tips To Stay Healthy

For anyone living with COPD, the holidays can be particularly stressful. Balancing travel, social plans, and the abundance of unhealthy food can be daunting when you’re dealing with a health challenge. However, there are ways that you can enjoy this festive season without making yourself feel worse. Here are a few tips for making the holidays as enjoyable as possible:

1. Boost your self-care

When there is a lot going on around you, it’s important to set aside a bit more time for TLC. Give yourself space to unwind and de-stress. Try meditation or mindful breathing. Get an extra hour of sleep. Pamper yourself with a bubble bath or massage. Whatever makes you feel rested and grounded again!

2. Learn to say “no”

Sometimes, we feel the pressure to participate in every single holiday activity, or accept every social invitation. However, this can lead to burnout and a possible flare-up in COPD symptoms. It’s okay to say “no” sometimes, and keep your holiday schedule light and manageable.

3. Enjoy in moderation

It’s alright to indulge in the special treats of the season, but try to limit yourself to a small amount. When consumed in large quantities, things like gluten, sugar, and dairy can trigger headaches, stomach upset, and breathing problems in those with COPD. Fill up on things like fruits and veggies, watch your alcohol intake, and space out the sweets.

The holidays can be such a fun time of year, especially when you’re feeling good. Keep these tips in mind this season, so you can make the most out of it! And if you need more tips for living well with COPD, or need to understand your oxygen options, get in touch with one of our friendly representatives!